Cara Pasang Iklan di Tengah Postingan Blog

Saya baru saja ganti plugin adsense untuk memasang iklan (google adsense) di tengah postingan. Saya setting pasang iklan di tengah postingan itu setelah paragraf kedua. Bagaimana caranya? Gampanga banget. Saya pake plugin Quick Adsense. Alasannya simple aja: ingin juga quick income dari Google Adsense. Sah ‘kan…?

Bagi pengguna CMS WordPress, banyak pilihan pilihan plugin untuk cara pasang iklan atau adsense di tengah tulisan di blog. Ketik ada kata kunci “adsense” di WordPress Plugins, keluar deh banyak pilihan. Pilih sesuai dengan selera atau yang paling gampang settingnya, yang gak ribet! Kalau mau plugin Quick Adsense tinggal download aja.

Quick Adsense yang saya pake ini katanya sih begini: “Quick Adsense is an Ads management WordPress plugin. It offers a quicker & flexible way to insert Adsense or any Ads code into a blog post. Besides, it can randomly place the Ads anywhere within a post. It comes with a simple setting page, and it does not overwhelm you with complicated customizable options.”

Here are some features that come with this plugin:

  1. Absolutely NO author revenue reward or revenue sharing from your Adsense or that kind of features.
  2. Default Ads positioning: Assign Ads to the beginning of post, assign Ads to the middle of post, assign Ads to the end of post, assign Ads after certain paragraphs (3 options available) & assign Ads after certain images.
  3. Flexible Ads placement, insert Ads specifically or randomly anywhere within a post.
  4. Simple configuration interface, requires no coding knowledge: Just copy and paste AdSense code, tick & select options, the plugin will then do the rest for you.
  5. Support any Ads code, not limited to Adsense code only.
  6. Display up to a maximum of 10 Ads on a page. Google allows publishers to place up to 3 Adsense for Content on a page. If you are using other Ads, you may display up to 10 Ads.
  7. Support up to a maximum of 10 Ads codes on Sidebar Widgets.
  8. Support up to a maximum of 10 Ads codes for specific placement & randomization within a post.
  9. Ads placement on the fly, simply insert <!–Ads1–>, <!–Ads2–> … , <!–RndAds–>, <!–NoAds–>, <!–OffDef–> to a post to accomplish this.
  10. Tags above can be inserted into a post easily via the additional Quicktag Buttons added to the HTML Edit Post SubPanel.

Yang belum ikutan Google Adsense, silakan “melamar” dulu ke Google. Sign Up! Di bagian kanan atas laman itu ada “New to Google AdSense? Sign Up Now”. Good luck! (*


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